Paul Dennis Sporer / Library of Writings / A representative collection of books and articles, pertaining to a wide array of topics, are presented for viewing in this unique online library








Paul Dennis Sporer's works, in his dual roles as writer and editor, are presented in this online library. The books found here address a variety of issues and topics, such as group dynamics, family life, religious faith, psychology, and government. These areas are intelligently investigated through unique perspectives, resulting in profound observations and powerful conclusions. He hopes the reader will profit from these works, and be able to incorporate into their own lives the ideas found in them.

By clicking on a book link, you will be taken to an item page where you will have a full description and summary about the book. You will also find links on that page that can be used for purchasing the book.

To learn about the books he has written, please go to this link>>>

To learn about the books he has edited, please go to this link>>>

For more detailed information, please visit the ANZA PUBLISHING website.


All Material Copyright © by Paul Dennis Sporer
Unauthorised use is prohibited. Website Design by Anza Studio.