Paul Dennis Sporer / Resources / A compilation of useful links on books, articles, essays and other types of information for researchers and objective thinkers









This site allows you to pick any combination of nations from a database of nearly the entire world, and four indicators, and then it presents you with a table. Data are latest.  Indicators include: Life Expectancy (Male and Female),  Life Expectancy (Male/Female), Illiteracy Rate (Total), Illiteracy Rate (Female), Men in Parliament, Women in Parliament, School Enrollment, Spending on Education, Homicides, Motor Vehicles, Telephones, Newspaper Circulation, Refugees.

International Data Base (IDB)
The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world. Includes: Components of growth for Puerto Rico and Insular Areas; Summary Demographic Data, display data for selected countries; Online Access, display data for selected tables, countries, and years; Online Demographic Aggregation, display, demographic  data for user-selected regions and/or countries; Population Pyramids, display graphs of the  population, by age and sex; Countries Ranked by Total Population; World Population Information. Also available are links to government websites at Directory of Statistical Agencies.

PopLine Database
The largest bibliographic reproductive health database, providing citations with free abstracts of the worldwide literature in the field of population, family planning, and health related issues. Basic and Expert search modes.

CDE-Center for Demography and Ecology
'CDE is a multi-disciplinary faculty research cooperative for social scientific demographic research whose membership includes sociologists, rural sociologists, economists, epidemiologists, and statisticians. CDE is one of the leading centers of social science research in the world, as indicated by the scholarly productivity of its faculty, the level of extramural funding secured by researchers, the production and distribution of high quality demographic data, and the quality of its graduate training program. The intellectual and collegial environment of the Center makes it an exciting and stimulating place in which to conduct research.'

About 140 working papers are available online in PDF format for free. Many are technical relating to quality of data assessments, that investigate phenomena involving military service, race relations, marriage, education, using longitudinal studies and surveys.

This site also contains links to raw data from the NSFH (National Survey of Families and Households) and DPLS (Data and Program Library Service), which can be quite interesting to view, as they express the actual responses of individuals to specific questions. You will have to know how to download files, and open them in a database programme.  The NFSH is a survey of 13000 people taken in 1987-88, with questions relating to family life. DPLS cover subjects such as characteristics of census tracts, volunteers for civil rights, urban racial and civil disorders, growth fo American families, migrant workers, political elites, sexual activity, slave movement in the 18th and 19th centuries, economic expectations, attitudes towards taxes.

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Reproduction of the entire work in PDF, available for free.  Very broad coverage; excellent quality; extremely detailed; not directly usable; searchable.  Complete source of statistics. Many tables cover one or more decades. Social, economic, business and other data. Covers population, vital stats, health, geography, crime, elections, government, labour force, trade, prices, banking, finance, energy, science, agriculture, transportation, trade, foreign aid, and more.  A more detailed survey of crime statistics is found in Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, as well as Justice Information Center (NCJRS): Criminal Justice Statistics WWW Sites.

Data Archive, Office of Population Research, Princeton University
Complete Data Files available in dat format. A collection of ten American fertility surveys covering a 35-year period; the World Fertility Survey (WFS), a collection of high-quality, internationally comparable surveys of human fertility conducted in 41 developing countries in the late seventies and early eighties; the In-Depth Chinese Fertility Survey.

Social Research Update
Full text articles; issues relating to research tools and statistics in the social sciences.

Social Science Paper Publishing
These are papers published online, dealing mostly with community and government issues; some family and individual works.  See also British Journal of Sociology Abstracts with four years of about 80 articles with abstracts, many of which are of a technical nature.  CRISP-Current Research into Social Psychology covers about 15 issues concerning group structures. Sociological Methodology covers issues for five years back; only abstracts of technical articles concerning methods in sociology.

PRI-Pop Research Institute
Population Research Institute is a pro-life educational organization dedicated to protecting and defending human life, ending human rights abuses committed in the name of family planning, and dispelling the myth of overpopulation.

American Demographics Magazine
Subtitled, 'Consumer trends for business leaders', this journal has over 60 full-text issues on line.  Searchable by keywords. The focus is on how social issues will affect marketing and business, but a good deal can be learned about changes in society. Topics include television, newspapers, family life, consumer habits, education, leisure time.


UIS Statistics
'The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) was established in July 1999 to meet the growing needs of UNESCO Member States and the international community for a wider range of policy-relevant, timely, and reliable statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and communication. The Institute's functional autonomy, together with the maintenance of high professional standards and intellectual independence, enables it to respond effectively to these needs.   The UNESCO Executive Board has chosen Montreal (Canada) as the permanent location of the UIS. The move is likely to take place in the year 2001.
WHAT ARE THE INSTITUTE'S OBJECTIVES? The Institute aims to: gather a wide range of quality statistical information to help Member States analyse the efficiency and effectiveness of their policy decisions and programmes; interpret and report on the global situation with regard to education, science and technology, culture and communication.
WHAT DOES THE INSTITUTE DO? The Institute's activities involve:  collecting up-to-date statistics from across the world according to agreed quality procedures and disseminating them to the users in a form appropriate to their needs; · developing the conceptual and methodological framework for the collection of internationally comparable data and indicators; · working with Member States to improve their capacities to collect and analyse data of relevance to their policy initiatives; and analysing data in partnership with policy makers and researchers, and promoting wider and more informed use of data for policy purposes. The UIS is a crucial link in an international network of experts and institutions dealing with statistics within UNESCO's fields of competence.'

One can now access a wide range of education statistics maintained in the UNESCO database. This database is regularly updated with new information received from all countries in the world.

Data are available for education and literary, for primary, secondary and tertiary education. The data can be listed by region (with a table listing each country in the region) or by individual country.  Data available for 1970 to 1997 include:  Pupils enrolled by sex, Pupils enrolled by grade and sex, Pupils enrolled by age and sex, Repeaters by grade and sex, New entrants by sex .

European Union Information
Press releases, documents, news, policies in the EU.

European Countries
See specific nations, for example Spain Statistical Indicators, Central Statistics Office, Ireland, Data on Denmark, Statistics Netherlands.

Journal of World-Systems Research
'The main editorial goal of the Journal of World-Systems Research is to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to the analysis of world-systems. We especially want to include works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, civilizationists, evolutionary approaches, international political economy, comparative, historical and cultural analysis. We seek the work of political scientists, historians, sociologists, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and geographers'

SOSIG World Catalogue- Social Geography
Presents numerous links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources that are relevant to social geography.

CIA-The World Factbook
Contains broad coverage; excellent quality; detailed though not in tabular format; recent data mostly; not directly usable. Searchable by keyword. Excellent source of international data from virtually every nation in the world. Also useful are  Country Studies: Area Handbook Series which has broad coverage with nearly every nation in the world included. OECD in Figures and Trends in Europe and North America(The Statistical Yearbook of the Economic Commission for Europe)  can round out a search.


Search Online Databases via GPO Access
Government coverage; excellent quality; searchable by keyword; FULL TEXT: Budget, Code of Fed Regulations, Congress Bills, Hearings, Economic indicators, US Code, Supreme Court decisions.  Areas covered: Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Regulatory, Administrative Decisions, Core Documents of U.S. Democracy (including Constitution, Federalist Papers), Hosted Federal Web Sites, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, CBDNet, Congressional Record, U.S. Code, Catalog of U.S. Gov't Publications, Other Databases.

Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research
Free full text documents from Supreme Court opinions from 1937 and Federal Circuit Court opinions from about 1995. Searchable with keywords, can limit number of hits.

This site about the Federal Bureau of  Investigation (FBI) examines the agency's enforcement activities and staffing  patterns of the Bureau from many different perspectives. Approximately 23,000 pages, tables, maps, graphs and text, are available. Details are provided about the DEA, INS, IRS, ATF and Customs.

The Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium
'The consortium is a confederation of interested parties from Oklahoma colleges, universities, and private and state agencies organized for the purpose of advancing research in criminal justice. The purpose of the consortium is to advise and assist Oklahoma criminal justice agencies in identifying topics, researchers, and methodologies of interest and benefit to the agencies and policy makers. The general membership meets semiannually and is open to anyone with interests in criminal justice research.'

Search The FedWorld Site
Contains Supreme Court decisions; Research and Development Reports; Science and Technology Web Sites; IRS documents and forms; search for US government websites by keywords.

United Nations Population Division
The Population Division is responsible for monitoring and appraisal of the broad range of areas in the field of population. It includes such important areas as World Abortion Policies; World Contraceptive Use; World Fertility Patterns; International Migration Policies. 


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