Paul Dennis Sporer / Art Works / An artist presents his perspectives and observations on the subject of art, as well as assembling his recent prints in one collection online








Paul Dennis Sporer has always had a great love of art in all its manifestations, whether it is music, painting, architecture, sculpture or any other form. He has always intended to bring this artistic interest to life, and he has done so using his own unique tools and procedures, creating a new type of art that merges the best of traditional and modern. Through the exclusive processes that he has developed, he aspires to bring out the grandeur and brilliance of higher culture.

The appreciation of art, and the pleasure derived from its seeing or hearing, must be an essential part of the life of any person who aspires to refinement and sophistication. Unfortunately, this integration of art into everyday life has become difficult in modern society, with its unrelenting emphasis on gross materialism. The struggle to develop the intellect and taste is made all the more difficult by the virtual non-existence of the theme of development of Self (individuation) in the modern media. An article on the meaningful use of imagination and creativity can be read in the Approaches to Art section.



All Material Copyright © by Paul Dennis Sporer
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